Transportation Links

King County Metro Travel Options

King County Metro provides a wide range of transportation options and choices for King County.

King County Metro DART (Dial a Ride Transit)

Fixed-route transit service operated in King County under contract with Hopelink, using smaller transit vehicles with the flexibility to perform a limited number of off-route deviations upon request.

Sound Transit

Express buses, light rail, and commuter train services for the central Puget Sound Region

Community Transit

Provides transportation options for Snohomish County, Washington, including bus, Swift bus rapid transit, commuter service and vanpool.


Shuttle to Paine Field, Sea-Tac Airport, and more.

Sound Generations

Provides free, personalized, and safe transportation to essential healthcare appointments.

Hyde Shuttle

Free door-to-door van service for groceries, medical appointments, shopping, and visiting friends.


Hopelink Transportation includes three programs: DART Transit, Medicaid Transportation and Mobility Management.

Catholic Community Services

Volunteer drivers to drive or carpool with seniors and adults with disabilities to doctor’s appointments, the grocery store, the pharmacy, and other important locations.


Gateway to transportation options in the Puget Sound area.

King County Metro Trip Planner

Find bus stop locations, itinerary planning tools, regional transit maps, and schedule information that includes next departure times at stops.

King County Metro My Commute

King County Metro Road Closures & Restrictions


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