Rider’s Guide

SVT’s goal is to provide the riders of the Snoqualmie Valley with reliable, friendly and sustainable services while being responsible stewards of the funding we receive.

General Information

Door-to-Door fare: $1 per ride

Fixed-Route (Loop Route) fare: $1 per ride

Valley Shuttle: $1 suggested donation

10-ride punch cards may be purchased for $10 from your driver or at our office. For seniors, age 60+, they are $8.50. Riders directly connecting from one of our routes to another to reach a destination pay the fare only on the first leg of their trip. Riders connecting to or from Metro buses don’t pay a fare on any SVT bus. For riders only using the Valley Shuttle, we suggest a $1 donation per trip. ORCA cards and other transit passes are not accepted on SVT vehicles. Riders aged 18 and under ride free between June 1st and August 31st.

You may bring packages and groceries with you that will fit at your feet, while seated, and/or on your lap. No one item may exceed 35 pounds. For safety reasons, we cannot transport large items such as furniture, appliances, etc. The number and the size of the packages should be manageable enough for you and/or your attendant to carry in a single trip. The driver is also able to assist you with one trip to and from the bus. The driver may not get out of sight of the bus or leave it unattended with riders on board.

A child may remain in a stroller and ride on the bus, if:

  • The stroller collapses to allow for storage (infants taken out of strollers must have appropriate car seats) AND;
  • the stroller is equipped with brakes, which must be locked AND;
  • the stroller does NOT block aisles, doors, steps, or emergency exits AND;
  • the stroller has securement areas that will allow it to be secured within the wheelchair area of the bus AND;
  • the stroller is controlled by an adult at all times; and (if not collapsed) is in a space designed for wheelchairs.

If the wheelchair spaces are occupied or at any time during the trip need to be occupied by a passenger using a wheelchair, the parent or guardian must remove the child and fold the stroller. Children with special needs may remain in the stroller. If the bus is too full to safely stow away the stroller, then the passenger with the stroller will be asked to exit and wait for the next available bus. For safety reasons, we recommend that riders with children in strollers back them down the ramp when exiting the bus.

Car seats are required on all routes except for our Valley Shuttle service. Please see The State of Washington Child Passenger Restraint Law (RCW 46.61.687) which requires: Children under age 8, unless they are 4’9″ tall (whichever comes first), must be restrained in an appropriate child restraint system (car seat or booster seat).

Snoqualmie Valley Transportation is a pet-friendly transportation service. We realize the importance of our riders being able to travel with their pets and to help them get to veterinary appointments, grooming, the dog park, animal boarding or daycare.

We can safely help our riders and their pets with their transportation needs. See the Service Animals section of the Rider’s Guide.

Would you like to learn more about how to take SVT’s services? Call 425-888-7001 and tell us that you would like to sign up for Travel Training. We can meet with you one-on-one, or you can join the next group and ask all the questions you want. If you are not used to taking the bus, it can seem a bit daunting. If you aren’t familiar with the area, it can seem a bit scary. But we are here to help and would be happy to take care of you as one of our riders. Give us a call and we’ll put your mind at ease.

For fixed-route service, you may flag down the bus and it will stop for you under certain circumstances:

  • Make sure it’s the right bus for you; the oncoming bus may be a door-to-door bus
  • Make sure the driver sees you. Using a flashlight or waving your arms will help the driver see you
  • The driver must determine whether it is safe to pull the bus over at the location you’ve chosen
  • There must be adequate stopping distance for the vehicle
  • The bus must be able to pull over enough so that it will not cause problems with other vehicles
  • The area cannot be on a blind corner

Most SVT buses are equipped with bike racks to carry two conventional single seat, two-wheeled bicycles.

If the bike rack is already full, you may ask the driver if there is space inside the bus for you to store your bike. Approval will depend on the number of riders already on board and your destination. If the driver can accommodate you, the bike will be loaded in the wheelchair securement area. You will need to remain with the bike throughout the trip to ensure that it is secure at all times. If a person using a wheelchair boards the bus, you will be asked to move your bike to the outside if space is available or exit the bus.

When calling to schedule a trip, be sure to tell the scheduler that you will be bringing a bicycle. Riders are responsible for loading and unloading their bicycles. Make sure the driver is aware that you will be removing your bike when you exit the bus. Use extreme caution when leaving the bus stop and never cross in front of the bus. If you have any questions about how the bike racks operate, or you want to practice loading and unloading your bike before your first ride, let a customer service representative know and assistance will be provided.

If you leave an item on the bus, call Snoqualmie Valley Transportation (SVT) at 425-888-7001.

Every effort is made to return wallets, purses, and medications as soon as possible. Any other found items may be picked up the following business day (Monday-Friday) between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM at the SVT office.

Please call ahead to make sure the lost item has been turned in. Upon arrival to reclaim lost items, you will be asked to provide a description of the item and show I.D. Items that are soiled, wet, dirty, have a strong odor, or found to be suspicious in any way will be immediately discarded immediately or reported to law enforcement. Any illegal items or weapons will be relinquished immediately to law enforcement. After 30 days, any unclaimed items will be donated to local non-profits, disposed of, or relinquished to law enforcement.

SVT is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Contact Information

Snoqualmie Valley Transportation can be reached by calling (425) 888-7001. To assist deaf/blind/hearing/speech impaired customers, please call Washington Relay Service at 1 (800) 833-6388 .


Fares for Mt. Si Senior Center’s Snoqualmie Valley Transportation Program is as follows:

    • All Rides are $1.
    • Valley Shuttle riders: $1 suggested donation.
    • $10/10 ride punch cards are available from the office and from drivers.
    • Seniors, ages 65+, may purchase a $10 punch card for a 15% discount ($8.50).

Hours of Operation

Snoqualmie Valley Transportation office hours are seven days a week from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM.

Rider Booking Policies and Guidelines

Mt. Si Senior Center has operated Snoqualmie Valley Transportation (SVT) since 2003. SVT is one of only two bus companies in the Snoqualmie Valley area that serves the general public; the other is King County Metro Transit.

The Snoqualmie Valley is a large, rural area and covers many hundreds of square miles. SVT’s goal is to provide the riders of the Snoqualmie Valley with reliable, friendly and sustainable services while being responsible stewards of the funding we receive. This document contains general and specific information to assist riders ages 10+ in better understanding the policies and practices that govern the SVT Demand-Response operations.

Rider Information

The SVT routing system requires information from each rider prior to making a reservation to ride. At the time of first booking, each rider is asked a series of questions in order to make reservations easier and faster in the future and to determine routing priority. Note: SVT provides Curb-to-Curb and Door-to-Door service only. See definitions below. Riders will be asked the following:
      • Last name, first name and middle initial;
      • Gender;
      • Date of birth;
      • Home address, city, state and ZIP code;
      • Neighborhood;
      • Phone number;
      • Disability status and assistance required: Disabled, wheelchair, walker, cane, personal care attendant (PCA’s may ride for free), visually impaired, legally blind, service animal, or lift needed;
      • Types of service (Curb-to-Curb, Door-to-Door) – defined below;
      • A default second address. This is used if a rider wants two addresses on file, to allow them to say, for example, “I want to go from home to work” without giving a second address each time a ride is requested;
      • Additional information that will assist the driver such as gate codes, etc.


For the purpose of clarification, we define:

  • Seniors as anyone age 55 and over;
  • Persons with disabilities as anyone with a condition or function judged to be significantly impaired relative to the usual standard of an individual or group. The term is used to refer to individual functioning, including physical impairment, sensory impairment, cognitive impairment, intellectual impairment, mental illness, and various types of chronic disease. Types of disabilities include various physical and mental impairments that can hamper or reduce a person’s ability to carry out day-to-day activities;
  • The general public as any rider, age 10 to 54, who is not disabled;
  • Curb-to-Curb as a service where riders are picked up at the curb at an origin and dropped off at the curb of a destination and may include parking lot navigation. The driver is required to assist the individual on and off the bus only if requested;
  • Door-to-Door as a service where riders are helped from the front door of the origin and to the front door of the destination. This service requires that drivers have more responsibility for getting the rider to the correct place and is a higher level of service than curb-to-curb. Drop off and pick up locations must be navigable, flat and safe for both rider and driver;
  • Door-through-Door as a service that involves helping customers through the doors out of the origin and into the destination. It may include carrying bags and belongings, as well as communication or contact with parents, guardians or other care providers. SVT does not provide Door-through-Door service;
  • Hand-to-Hand as a service that involves helping riders through the doors out of the origin and into the destination, if necessary. Hand-to-hand has the unique characteristic requiring the drivers to have contact with parents, guardians, or other care providers at both the origin and the destination for the individual being transported. SVT does not provide Hand-to-Hand service.

Confidentiality of Information

Rider information is kept confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than to create routes in response to riders’ requests. Monthly reporting requires SVT to give overall number of rides by type, but this reporting information is not connected to specific riders.

Booking a Ride

SVT riders may reserve rides up to two weeks in advance. When calling, riders must have pick up address,  drop off address, appointment times and phone numbers ready. Riders will receive a call from a scheduler to confirm the reservation. Rides will be curb-to-curb unless previously arranged. Because of demand, cancellations or scheduling, the driver can arrive up to 15 minutes early or up to 15 minutes past confirmed time.

Subscription Rides

Defined as a ride that is automatically scheduled on routes for specific days and times without the rider having to call in, except to cancel.

Casual Rides

Defined as a non-subscription ride and booked on an individual basis. Riders booking casual rides (non-subscription rides) will be given priority based on the prioritization shown below and space available on the routes.

Same-Day Ride Requests

Same-day ride requests, also known as Add-On Rides, will be accommodated whenever possible and will be based solely on available space on, and timing of, the existing routes for the day the request is made.

Eligibility for Subscriptions

Riders who use the services on a regular basis who travel on the same days and times, to and from the same places. Riders must successfully schedule rides for a period of two weeks without any cancellations or no-shows, to be eligible for a Subscription Ride. These rides must ride to/from the same locations at the same times each week.

Trip Cancellation

Cancelling your reservation can be done by calling 425-888-7001 any time. If it’s after hours, please leave a message with your name, phone number, and ride reservation details. It is important to notify us of a cancellation as soon as possible. Remember to cancel your return trip at the same time, if it’s not needed.

Trips must be canceled a minimum of one (1) hour in advance. Trips canceled with less than an hour’s notice will be considered a No-Show (See No-Show Policy).

Subscription and Casual Ride Prioritization

First priority when creating the routes is given to subscription riders and prioritized as follows:

    • Dialysis/Critical medical care appointments;
    • Seniors with disabilities;
    • Seniors;
    • Persons whose disability limits their access to transportation;
    • Anyone who has a disability that is age 54 or younger.

Second priority is given to casual riders who fall into the above categories.

Third priority is given to the general public, subscription or casual riders who have a set work schedule

Fourth priority is given to all other ambulatory riders, ages 10 to 54

Any casual rider may obtain a subscription ride for curb-to-curb service depending upon the availability. These riders shall be informed of SVT’s booking priorities as follows:

    • Seniors and persons with disabilities have priority for subscriptions and casual rides;
    • Existing subscriptions times may be permanently changed to accommodate a priority rider;
    • Subscription times may also be temporarily adjusted to accommodate day-to-day routing;
    • Riders will be notified of any and all permanent changes to their subscription at least 12 hours in advance and will be allowed to accept the change or cancel the subscription;
    • The pick-up and delivery window allows 15 minutes on either side of the time given;
    • All riders will be notified of the cancellation definition and no-show policies.

Limit on Timeframe for Subscription

There is no limit on the length of time that a rider may have a subscription. However, if another rider who should receive priority (see Subscription and Casual Ride Prioritization) has a subscription request that conflicts with a regular subscriber, the regular subscriber will be notified that their timeframes must change to accommodate a new priority rider subscriber.

Maintaining Subscription Eligibility

Riders must call to cancel rides at least one hour in advance of ride. Frequent cancellations can result in a loss of rider’s subscription.

Cancellation doesn’t cause a suspension of service, only loss of subscription. Suspension of service is caused by No Shows (see Subscription No Show Policy below).

Subscription No Show Policy

    • Too many cancellations from a rider who has a subscription may cause loss of the subscription
    • Given notification to SVT, subscriptions may be suspended and then re-invoked without the trial period if the rider is on vacation for not more than three consecutive weeks or due to medical reasons and/or family emergencies
If a rider’s subscription is this many rides in a month: This many cancellations or modifications in a month will cause the rider to lose their subscription:
4-16 (approx. 1-4 rides/week) 2
17-21 (approx. 4-5 rides/week) 3
22- 36 (approx. 6-9 rides/week) 4
(approx. 10+rides/week) 5

Loss of subscription may be appealed using the same process as a no-show appeal. See No-Show below.

No-Show Policy

It is the policy of SVT to record each rider’s No-Show and apply appropriate sanctions when the rider establishes a pattern or practice of excessive No-Shows. The policy is necessary in order to recognize the negative impact No-Shows have on the service provided to other riders. A No-Show is a trip that has not been canceled at least one hour prior to the scheduled pick up time. If the rider doesn’t board the vehicle within 2-3 minutes of the vehicle’s arrival, as long as the driver is within the pickup window, the rider will be charged a No-Show. When a rider cancels a trip with less than one hour’s notice and/or doesn’t show up for a pre-scheduled trip, it denies other riders the opportunity to use the service. Riders who schedule service and repeatedly No-Show or have excessive late cancellations, will be suspended from the service.

SVT schedules pick up and return trips separately. We assume that all scheduled trips are needed unless notice is given by the rider or their representative. If a rider is a No-Show on their first trip of the day, SVT will not automatically cancel other trips scheduled for that day. If a rider does not need the other trips on that day, they need to call and cancel them as soon as possible and no later than one hour prior to the ride’s scheduled pick up time.

A No-Show occurs when:

A rider cancels with less than one hour’s notice OR…

    • There has been no call from the rider (or the rider’s representative) to cancel the scheduled trip time AND
    • The vehicle arrives at the scheduled location within the 30-minute window AND
    • The operator cannot reasonably see the customer approaching the vehicle after waiting three minutes AND
    • The Dispatch office is notified. At this time, Dispatch will verify that the operator is at the correct location.

Number of no-shows which will cause SVT to suspend service:

If a rider has booked this many rides in a month: # of no-shows in a month to suspend service:
4-16 (approx. 1-4 rides/week) 3
17-21 (approx. 4-5 rides/week) 4
22- 36 (approx. 6-9 rides/week) 5
37 or more (approx. 10+rides/week) 6


The number of No-Shows that results in suspension is based on the number of rides booked in a 30-day period.

    • When a rider has exceeded the No-Show allowance in a 30-day period, they will be suspended from using services for a minimum of one week.
    • The second suspension will be for a two-week period, a third suspension will be for a three-week period, and so on.
    • Each suspension increases by seven days within a 12-month period.

If the rider has a No-Show, the rider will be notified by phone, and by postcard sent to the mailing address on file, or by email (by request only) within the next five (5) business days. The postcard will notify the rider of how many No-Shows have occurred in the last 30 days. If the passenger feels that the No-Show may be excused, they may appeal as soon as possible.
When enough No-Shows have been reported to warrant a suspension of service, SVT will send the rider a letter informing them of the suspension, with the start date and length of the suspension. There will be a two-week time period allowed for the rider to make other arrangements and a date will be given.


Riders may appeal a suspension by contacting SVT:

    • By phone: SVT at 425-888-7001
    • By email: abiggs@svtbus.org
    • By US Mail: PO Box 806 North Bend, WA 98045
    • By FAX:425-888-3837
    • Address correspondence to: SVT Director re: No Show.

No-Shows for reasons that are beyond the rider’s control will not be counted.

No-Shows that are excused include, but are not limited to:

    • Sudden turn for the worse in someone with a variable condition
    • Accidents
    • Family emergencies
    • Personal Care Attendant who did not arrive on time to assist the rider
    • Rider’s medical appointment ran long and did not provide opportunity to cancel in a timely way
    • LATE connecting transportation: late transfer trip, train, etc. caused the rider to miss the trip
    • Acts of God (Flood, earthquake, etc.).

No-Shows that are not excused if the trip is not canceled at least one hour in advance include, but are not limited to:

    • Rider didn’t want to travel today
    • Rider changed their mind about using appointment
    • Rider didn’t know that he/she had a ride scheduled or was supposed to call to cancel
    • Rider got another ride
    • Rider cancelled ride through improper channel (told driver, employer, senior center, etc.)
    • Rider does not want to ride with specific driver or passenger, or on a specific vehicle.

Please be respectful of your fellow riders.

Title VI Non-Discrimination

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance.

Snoqualmie Valley Transportation (SVT) is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit services on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as protected by Title VI in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 4702.1.A

ADA Policy

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990. The ADA is civil rights legislation which requires that persons with disabilities receive transportation services equal to those available on the fixed-route service. It is the policy of Mt. Si Senior Center and SVT that, when viewed in their entirety, services, programs, facilities, and communications provided by Mt. Si Senior Center, directly or by a contracted service provider, are readily accessible and usable to individuals with disabilities to the maximum extent possible. (49. CFR 37.105)

Securement Policy

Drivers will use front and rear tie-downs to secure mobility devices. Drivers will secure mobility devices at the strongest parts of the device. The mobility device will be secured front-facing unless otherwise requested by the rider. Drivers will assist riders with securement systems, ramps, and seatbelts.

SVT cannot refuse to transport someone whose mobility device cannot be satisfactorily restrained, provided that mobility device fits within the definition described in “Approved Equipment” below. (49 CFR 37.165)

Approved Equipment

A mobility aid belonging to any class of three -or more wheeled devices, usable indoors, designed or modified for and used by individuals with mobility impairments, whether operated manually or powered.

In order to accommodate a rider’s wheelchair or power scooter on an SVT vehicle, we require that it meets  the following standards: 

    • The equipment must have three (3) or four (4) wheels.
    • The measurement of the equipment must be no more than 30” wide and 48” long, including footrests and backpacks.
    • With respect to wheelchair and rider combinations that are larger or heavier than those to which the design standards for vehicles and equipment of 49 CFR 38 refer, SVT must carry the wheelchair and rider if the lift and vehicle can accommodate them.
    • SVT may decline to carry a wheelchair and rider if the combined weight exceeds that of the lift specifications or if carriage of the wheelchair is demonstrated to be inconsistent with legitimate safety requirements.
    • SVT is not required to permit wheelchairs to ride in places other than designated securement locations in the buses.
    • Walkers must be collapsible and stored between seats.
    • Equipment must be in good working order, with batteries charged, tires inflated, brakes working, footrests attached, and all parts secure.
    • SVT drivers may not operate the controls of powered mobility devices.

Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD)

An OPDMD is any mobility device powered by batteries, fuel, or other engines that is used by individuals with mobility disabilities for the purpose of locomotion, whether or not it was designed primarily for this use. OPDMDs may not include golf carts, electronic personal assistance mobility devices such as the Segway ® Personal Transporter (PT), or any mobility device that is not a wheelchair, which is designed to operate in areas without defined pedestrian routes.

SVT will make reasonable modifications to permit individuals with mobility disabilities to use OPDMDs unless there are with legitimate safety concerns, including substantial risk of serious harm to the immediate environment or other people, blocking pathways in the vehicles or other safety concerns.

Mobility Device Brakes

When occupying a lift or securement area, it is recommended that riders apply the brakes on their mobility devices; however, they are not required to do so. With power chairs or scooters, it is mandatory that the power switch be turned to the “OFF” position when the lift is in motion.

Pick Up and Delivery Feasibility

SVT vehicles will only use building access roads (parking lots, loading/unloading areas, driveways and alleyways) when those access points are determined to be safer than picking up or dropping off at the curb, and it is determined that the access road can safely accommodate SVT vehicles and that customers can safely board and de-board. SVT may refuse rides if there is not adequate space to maneuver the vehicle at the pickup location. Drivers may request a site visit to assess the situation.

Personal Care Attendants

A Personal Care Attendant (PCA) may ride with a disabled rider at no charge. A PCA is someone who travels with and helps a rider who is not able to travel alone. The disabled rider must provide their own PCA if they need one. Rider must inform SVT when they register for the service that they will be using a PCA. This information will guarantee the PCA a place on the bus to ride along and assist the rider. If the rider’s status changes and they no longer require a PCA, it is the rider’s responsibility to inform SVT of the status change.

Service Animals and Pets

Snoqualmie Valley Transportation is a pet-friendly transportation service. We realize the importance of our riders being able to travel with their pets and to help them get to veterinary appointments, grooming, the dog park, animal boarding or daycare.

We can safely help our riders and their pets with their transportation needs. Below is an outline for SVT policies for pets and services animals.

General Guidelines for animals

Animals other than dogs are not allowed on the bus unless they are in a container or carrier, except for miniature horses that are trained service animals. Miniature horses range in height from 24 inches to 34 inches measured to the shoulders and weigh between 70 and 100 pounds.

1. Riders must maintain control of their pets and/or service animals at all times.

2. Dogs must be on a leash or harness unless they are service animals.

3. All dogs must be house-broken.

4. Riders take full responsibility for their pet or service animal, including:

     • Any damages it may cause on the bus
     • Aggressiveness to other riders.

5. Drivers may request the removal of a pet or service animal from the bus if it creates a hazard or disturbance, or is being destructive.

6. Rider is responsible for cleaning up any feces, urine and/or motion-sickness vomit caused by their pet or service animal.

     • Drivers may ask a rider and their dog, even if it is a service animal, to leave the bus if the dog defecates, urinates, or gets sick on the bus.

7. Pets may not occupy seats; they must remain either on the floor at the owner’s feet, or sit on their owner’s lap or in the aisle, provided they do not cause a safety or tripping hazard.

8. Service animals may occupy a seat only if there is available seating. Passengers have first priority for seating.

9. Drivers may ask riders with an animal, wishing to board the bus, whether it is a service animal or a pet.

10. SVT and its drivers reserve the right to prohibit animals which are deemed to be a nuisance due to barking, unclean appearance, exhibiting signs of Kennel Cough, previously or currently exhibiting aggressiveness to passengers, or if such animals, due to size, restrict the capacity of the bus, or may hamper the safety of passengers.

     • Drivers have a right to refuse transportation to a rider’s pet if the rider has a history of not controlling the pet, or if the pet has shown aggression.

Fares for pets

1. Service animals ride free, unless they occupy a passenger seat.

2. Riders with dogs will pay an added fare for having their dog on board. The fare will be the same current fare as the rider pays.

3. Pets transported in a carrier ride free.

Boarding Assistance

Driver shall position the bus to make boarding and de-boarding as easy as possible for everyone. Bus operators shall provide assistance to riders upon request. Riders with disabilities shall be allowed adequate time to board and disembark the vehicle.

Maintenance of Lifts or Ramps

SVT drivers test lifts on their vehicle during the pre-trip inspection. Breakdown of accessibility equipment must be reported immediately to Dispatch. A vehicle with an inoperable lift must be removed from service as soon as possible and cannot be returned to service until it is repaired. If there is a lift failure, a replacement vehicle must be dispatched if the next trip to the destination of any rider using a mobility device is scheduled in more than 30 minutes. If the next trip to the destination of any rider using a mobility device is scheduled in 30 minutes or less, a replacement vehicle may be dispatched if available.

Priority Seating

Upon request, SVT drivers shall ask – but not require – riders to yield priority seating at the front of the bus to seniors and persons with disabilities. Drivers are not required to enforce the priority seating designation beyond making such a request.

Reserved Seating

Mobility device securement areas on buses are reserved. Riders using common mobility aids shall be boarded if the securement areas are not otherwise occupied by a mobility device, regardless of the number of passengers on the bus. Drivers are required to ask riders sitting in the securement areas to move to other available seats.

Portable Oxygen Use

Individuals with disabilities who use portable oxygen devices are allowed to travel with respirators and properly secured portable oxygen supplies. Oxygen supplies must not obstruct the aisle.

Rider Code of Conduct

Ride right. SVT asks that riders conduct themselves in a way that shows respect for drivers, fellow riders and the vehicles. Everyone benefits by riding right. Riders enjoy a safe, secure, comfortable and inviting atmosphere, and the overall efficiency of the transportation system improves. A driver may ask any rider to get off the bus for violations of these rules.

Common Sense Guidelines

SVT’s Code of Conduct can be summarized by the following common- sense guidelines:

  • Pay the correct fare
  • Respect the privacy of others
  • Use headphones/earphones for personal devices
  • Respect SVT property
  • Respect the property of others
  • Use SVT services for transportation purposes only
  • Do not harass others
  • Do not threaten the safety of others
  • No eating, smoking, or littering
  • No alcoholic beverages
  • Do not lie down

Civil Penalties

Infractions can result in a citation and fine of up to $250.

  1. Bringing onto an SVT bus any package or other object which blocks an aisle or stairway or occupies a seat if to do so would, in the driver’s sole discretion, cause a danger to, or displace, riders or expected riders.
  2. Allowing any animal to occupy a seat on transit property, to run at large without a leash, to unreasonably disturb others, or obstruct flow of passenger or bus traffic. An animal may occupy a rider’s lap while in a bus.
  3. Allowing his or her animal to leave waste on the bus.
  4. Eating or drinking, with the following exception: Drinking a nonalcoholic beverage from a container designed to prevent spillage is permitted on the bus.
  5. Riding bus for the purpose of sleeping rather than for the intended transportation-related purposes.
  6. Extending an object or a portion of one’s body through the door or window of a bus while it is in motion.
  7. Hanging or swinging on bars or stanchions, with feet off the floor, inside a vehicle; hanging onto or otherwise attaching oneself at any time to the exterior of a bus.

Criminal Penalties

Misdemeanors can result in a citation and fine up to $1,000, and/or arrest and imprisonment in the county jail for not more than ninety (90) days.

  1. Intentionally obstructing or impeding the flow of bus or passenger movement, causing unreasonable delays in boarding or de-boarding, reclining on a seat or occupying more than one seat, or in any way interfering with the provision or use of SVT services.
  2. Smoking or carrying a lighted or smoldering pipe, cigar or cigarette while in a bus.
  3. Discarding litter other than in designated receptacles.
  4. Playing any sound-producing device except when the equipment is connected to earphones that limit the sound to the individual listener. However, the use of communication devices by driver or public safety officers in the line of duty is permitted, as is the use of private communication devices used to summon, notify or communicate with other individuals (pagers or cell phones).
  5. Spitting, expectorating, urinating or defecating except in restroom facilities.
  6. Unreasonably disturbing others by engaging in loud, raucous, unruly, harmful, abusive or harassing behavior.
  7. Defacing, destroying or otherwise vandalizing the vehicle or any signs, notices or advertisements on the vehicle.
  8. Drinking an alcoholic beverage or possessing an open container of an alcoholic beverage.
  9. Dumping any materials whatsoever on transit property, including but not limited to chemicals and automotive fluids.
  10. Throwing an object at the vehicle or at any person on the bus or transit property.
  11. Failing to pay the appropriate fare.
  12. Falsely representing oneself as eligible for special services.
  13. Falsely claiming to be a driver or other transit employee; or through words, actions and/or the use of clothes, insignia or equipment resembling department-issued uniforms and equipment, creating a false impression that one is a driver or other SVT employee.
  14. Bringing onto the vehicle odors which unreasonably disturb others or interfere with their use of the transit system, whether such odors arise from one’s person, clothes and articles, accompanying animal or any other source.
  15. Engaging in gambling or any game of chance for the winning of money or anything of value.

Prohibited Destinations

SVT is prohibited from providing service on school property. Curbside service is available, but door-to-door service is not. SVT is prohibited from providing services to or from any location that is specifically designated for other specialty transportation (such as ambulances) or which prohibit public bus services.

Prohibited Services

SVT may not pick up or deliver riders at locations that are prohibited or restricted, or at locations which our vehicles may not safely navigate. These locations include public school property for ambulatory riders, governmental facilities that are posted as restricted, gated communities that do not allow access or any other location that denies access to our vehicles. SVT reserves the right to deny service into areas that may cause damage to our vehicles or other equipment or danger to the company or its representatives.

Complaint Process

SVT is committed to providing safe, reliable, and accessible transportation options for the community. SVT has established a Customer Complaint Policy and customers wishing to file a complaint and/or obtain a copy of the Customer Complaint Policy may contact SVT at:

Phone: (425) 888-7001

In person: 411 Main Ave. S., North Bend, Washington

Via US Mail: SVT c/o Mt. Si Senior Center, PO Box 806, North Bend, WA 98045.

Customer Comment Forms are provided on all vehicles. Comment/Complaint policy is available upon request. Complaint forms are also available on the company website at www.SVTbus.org.

For discrimination claims, you may file a signed, written complaint up to one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of the alleged discrimination. The complaint should include the following information:

      • Your name, mailing address, and how to contact you (i.e., telephone number, email address, etc.);
      • How, when, where and why you believe you were discriminated against. Include the location, names and contact information of any witnesses;
      • Other information that you deem significant.

A form is available at SVT which may be completed for this purpose.


The complaint may be filed in writing with SVT at the following address:

Snoqualmie Valley Transportation
Title VI Coordinator
411 Main Ave S
North Bend, WA 98045

By phone: 425-888-7001

By Fax: 425-888-3837

NOTE: Snoqualmie Valley Transportation (SVT) encourages all complainants to certify all mail that is sent through the U.S. Postal Service and/or ensure that all written correspondence can be tracked easily. For complaints originally submitted by facsimile, an original, signed copy of the complaint must be mailed to the Title VI Coordinator as soon as possible, but no later than 180 days from the alleged date of discrimination.

Force Majeure

Any delay or failure in the performance by SVT or the rider shall be excused if, and to the extent that, such failure is caused by the occurrence of a Force Majeure. For purposes of the rider policy and booking guidelines, Force Majeure shall mean a cause or event that is not reasonably foreseeable or otherwise caused by or under the control of SVT or the rider, including acts of God, fires, floods, explosions, riots, wars, hurricane, sabotage terrorism, vandalism, accident, restraint of government, governmental acts, injunctions, labor strikes, other than those by SVT’s suppliers, that prevent SVT from furnishing the materials or equipment, and other like events that are beyond the reasonable anticipation and control of SVT or the rider, despite SVT’s reasonable efforts to prevent, avoid, delay, or mitigate the effect of such acts, events or occurrences, and which events or the effects thereof are not attributable to SVT’s failure to perform its obligations as outlined here.

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